Full Moon in Capricorn

On June 24 at 11:39am PST, we get to experience the Full Moon in Capricorn, which is the last Super Moon of the year. (The Algonquin, Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples called it the “Strawberry Moon” because it was when the berries were ready to harvest.)

This Full Moon is in a beautiful relationship with the planet, Jupiter, which is all about good humor, luck, expansion, generosity, and really leaning into the fullness of life. This is a very helpful relationship between these two planets for two reasons: 1) Capricorn can sometimes be overly goal oriented, which can give it a sense of bulldozing over what it needs to with very little regard for the detritus left in its wake, and 2) Venus will be opposite Pluto, which can bring out our darker, controlling tendencies around our desires and love.

Jupiter says to Capricorn, “Hey! There’s a whole wide world that you can include in your journey instead of putting on blinders and shutting it out.” Jupiter promotes good nature and the charitability that also rests in Capricorn, which is great for the untrusting nature of Pluto opposite Venus. If you are having a difficult moment in your personal relationships, tap into the Jupiter energy in the air, and give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove you wrong - if they prove you wrong! Pluto has a tendency to bring up a lot of fears, which in turn raises our defenses. One way that many of us get defensive is by putting fault or blame on the other party, almost as if we’re pushing them away in a false effort to remain safe. The Full Moon with Jupiter asks us to approach even the most difficult of relationships as if we are going to be met with the best, most benevolent, highest version of the person with whom we’re experiencing pressure and conflict.

The sign of Capricorn is also all about work, so it’s a great time to celebrate even the smallest of wins that you’ve experienced in your vocation! With Jupiter by our side, we give ourselves permission to let go of needing to get to any specific place before we rejoice, so that we can celebrate the work itself - tangible rewards aside.

Some good things to think/journal about are:

  • Where can I be more generous with the ones I love (money, time, energy)?

  • What stands in my way from always coming from a place of abundance?

  • What do I love about my work (even if I hate my job)?

  • In what relationships can I work on extending the benefit of the doubt?

On this Full Moon, remind yourself of the spiritual truth that the more you share with others, the fuller you become.

Interested in learning about how this pertains to you?


New Moon in Cancer


New Moon in Gemini