New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Aries

On Wednesday, April 19 for the West Coast and Thursday, April 20 for the East Coast, we have both a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries just before the Sun moves into the sign of Taurus. This New Moon Eclipse is the first eclipse to occur in Aries in a couple decades ushering in great change as we move from the energies of value and transformation that is the Taurus/Scorpio axis to that of Aries/Libra, which plays with themes of self-assertion and cooperation.

The New Moon is often thought of as a good time to initiate new endeavors, and as Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, the antsy-ness of getting the ball rolling is certainly palpable. However, with the dark Moon blocking out the light and power of the Sun, as well as Pluto in a difficult relationship to the eclipse, and Mercury Retrograde starting on Friday, more patience than we would like to employ is necessary.
The name of the game for this set up of planets is much more “long game” oriented than it is in line with immediate results. It is also about looking truthfully at what unconscious patterns are keeping us from starting, continuing or ending whatever it is we are doing or want to do.

When the Moon eclipses the Sun, it is like the unconscious part of the psyche is overshadowing what we consider to be our conscious mind. The unconscious self is mostly made up of stories and wounds that we experienced in our childhood, and in turn all the beliefs that were then created from the very young part of ourselves that had no relationship to rational or reason.
For example, Mom says you can’t have something you really want and believe you should have. this occurs multiple times. Because you are too young to understand the very good reasons for the “no,” perhaps the belief born from this is I won’t get what I want. Even though you “know better” as an adult, your child self still runs the show in the unconscious realm and makes decisions for you before the more evolved part of you has an opportunity to have a say.
During a Solar Eclipse, this part of us is crying out to be seen, loved and healed.

While there are an array of unconscious options (also known as secrets/whatever you’re keeping hidden) that could reveal themselves, there is a high likelihood that the theme will have to do with whatever section of your chart is ruled by Aries. (As I’ve mentioned before, you can get a free chart at by putting in your birth time, date and place.)
There are twelve sections, or “houses,” in an astrology chart, and each represents a different area of life. A very brief and general overview of each house is as follows:

1st: How others see me; image; appearance; outer personality; self-awareness
2nd: Personal resources; money; possessions; material attachments; earning & spending habits
3rd: Networking; communications; learning & exchanging information; making connections in immediate environment; siblings
4th: Private self; home and family; family of origin; psychological foundations; nurturing parent
5th: Creative self expression; children; creative projects; love affairs; risk taking; short trips
6th: Physical & psychological health, day-to-day work & duties; personal service
7th: Significant one-to-one relationships; husband/wife/mate; business partnership; therapist — client
8th: Shared resources; financial, psychological, sexual and emotional intimate unions; secrets/what’s hidden
9th: Collective consciousness; broader viewpoints; travel; religion; philosophy; mental studies; higher education
10th: Public self; position in the World; reputation; vocation; authority; legacy
11th: Group interactions; friends and associates; community/chosen family; visions & dreams
12th: Collective soul; devotion to higher ideals; spiritual values; selfless social service; karma; overcoming ghosts or debts of the past; divine arts

So, if Aries sits in your 2nd house, what the eclipse may bring up probably has something to do with money, material possessions, self-worth etc.
Whatever is unveiled to you is a key component of how you are impeding your own ability to to tap into the courage needed to start something new and implement change.

As I noted before, Aries is a sign that wants to start yesterday, so the desire to do something drastic in the name of change RIGHT NOW could be very strong. Aries also, however, has a tendency to flare up and then flare out. This forced slow down provided by the alignments of the planets is an opportunity to remember that the beginning of something does not coincide with first action, but rather first inspiration. Take the time to do the inner work of understanding what part of you needs to feel understood, protected and loved, and your inspiration may actually take flight.


Full Moon in Scorpio & Lunar Eclipse


Full Moon in Libra