New Moon in Scorpio

At 1:27am pst this Monday, November 13, we are under the eye of the New Moon in Scorpio, which happens to be in difficult alignment to the planet Mars (action, energy, war, aggression) and Uranus (unexpected change, revolution, rebellion, new visions). This combination makes for a rather unstable New Moon as Mars activates and adds aggression to Uranus’ need to break free from all forms of oppression — both internal and external.

In many ways, I feel like a Scorpio New Moon is like a “dark night of the soul.” It’s a time in which we must continue to move forward no matter how blind or lost we feel with the faith that the journey is ultimately leading to our highest and best good.
The biggest difference here is that while a new moon like this would generally have us getting quiet and hermiting ourselves away, the opposition to Mars and Uranus means that it is very likely that our struggles will come out in full display (ie, those conversations you were hoping you wouldn’t have to have, you’ll have; the secret you thought you could keep forever will be revealed; the internal struggle will be made manifest for you to deal with on the external plane). There is no hiding here.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing although it may sound scary to read.
In order to move through those denser, darker parts of ourselves, we have to see them mirrored back to us through the outside world. This shows us, however confrontational it may be, the truth of the situation so that we can’t convince ourselves otherwise.
This is ultimately a good thing. It’s like the 9 of Swords in Tarot — a final bursting of the bubble, a final exorcising of the wound so it can ultimately heal.

If you read my newsletter this round, you’ll remember that I likened this New Moon to the Festival of Lights, Diwali, that is celebrated in Eastern Traditions all over the world. It is the celebration of light overcoming darkness, and it is often correlated with the story of Ram, Sita and Lakshman from the epic, The Ramayana. I highly recommend reading this story if you are not familiar with it! These three are exiled from their kingdom due to manipulation and deceit, and on their 14 year journey, they battle the greatest demons ever known, lose each other only to be reunited by a monkey carrying God’s ring, and then after having moved through all of it with total grace , they re-emerge from the forrest bringing with them more light than they had all those years prior.
If we move through our difficulties and darkness with integrity and love, the light we hold on the other side shines as a beacon for others who may be lost themselves.
The warmth of the Sun doesn’t run from the coolness of the Moon — it understands the necessity of both.

This New Moon also offers us a chance to use action (Mars) to invigorate freedom for humanity (Uranus). With Mars and Uranus together, there is a large amount of energy available for the pursuit of humanitarian causes, and it is a great time to get involved in a real way with a group that really matters to you.


Full Moon in Gemini


Full Moon in Taurus & Lunar Eclipse