New Moon in Leo

It is Leo season, and tomorrow’s New Moon in Leo gives us a double dose of this prideful, adoring, creative, over-the-top loving sign. It also creates a loose T-Square with Saturn and Uranus, which adds some heaviness to an otherwise vibrant communion of planets and signs.

For various reasons, August 8 (8/8) has been known as the “Lion’s Gate” for thousands of years, so it is quite auspicious that on this day both the Sun and the Moon will be in the sign of this strong and regal creature. During this time, because the main star of Orion’s Belt is closest to the Earth, it is said that large energetic portals are opened, and so we must be extra careful with how we use our own energy, and how we navigate the action that energy compels us to take. Leo is known for its strength among many other things, but when righteousness or pride get involved, that strength turns into force that is blind to a softer way.

New Moons are very commonly associated with new beginnings, and as Leo is known for creative self expression, August 8 is a great time to start on whatever creative project has been brewing in your head. Leo is also the most heart-forward sign of the zodiac, so in thinking of what it is you’d like to bring into the world, first listen to what your heart is asking for so that what you create can cultivate joy in yourself and others.

Leo says, “Why would you ever follow anything but love, and why would you move through life without working to create more love?” The intellectual mind can come up with a multitude of reasons why you shouldn’t do this, so just know that those reasons are simply your ego’s way of trying to protect against the vulnerability that comes from putting something out into the world that feels like it is a piece of your own heart.

At the end of life, no one says, “I wish my love had been smaller.” No. Over and over we hear the account from the dying’s family and friends that they say, “I wish I had loved more.”

The 8th is a good reminder that you can make sure not to have that regret by organizing your life around what everyone ultimately wants to give and receive - love!

However, as this New Moon is also creating a loose T-Square with Saturn and Uranus, don’t be surprised if the voice of reticence and fear (Saturn) become so loud that it feels impossible to make any progress (Uranus) in the endeavors of your heart. It may feel like an internal tug-of-war between what you should do (Saturn), and what inspiration is calling you to do (Uranus). The key to working through a moment like this is to look at your heart-work (Sun and New Moon in Leo and Uranus), and to see how you can approach that work with the respect and responsibility (Saturn) it deserves.

Some questions to contemplate:

*What is my heart telling me to do?

*Why do I think my fear is more valid than my hope?

*If I could express myself in any way I wanted, what would I do?


*Dance, sing, make love, be regal, do the damn thing

Interested in learning how this plays out in your birth chart?


Full Moon in Aquarius


New Moon in Cancer