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Astrology 101

Did you know that your Sun sign (the horoscope you might read in a magazine or newspaper) is only one part of a much larger picture, that each planet represents a different energy, and that each section of the sky represents a different area of our lives? Join me for this introduction to the fundamentals of Astrology: the details of each sign, planet and house. This is the first step to learning how to decipher your own birth chart, and another great tool in your tool box for self discovery! Learning this thousands of years old tradition has had a profound effect on my own personal journey, and I can't wait to share this information with you.

This workshop includes access to the 4:30pm all levels class held on that same day. 

You do not have to be able to attend the workshop to sign up as it will be recorded and sent out to all who register.

July 26

Bhakti Power Couples

August 22

Kirtan with Susannah & Peter