Full Supermoon in Sagittarius

In the early dawn hours of Tuesday , June 14, the Moon was perfectly full in the sign of Sagittarius, and if you had an opportunity to see the moon rise on Monday evening, it was quite evident that it was “super” indeed.
A Supermoon occurs when it is full at the point in its orbit that it is closest to the Earth, thus making it look larger than a normal Full Moon. This means that because the Moon is closer to us, its gravitational pull is stronger. Many people are far more effected by a Supermoon than a Full Moon for this very reason, so if that’s you, you’re not alone!

Sagittarius is opposite the sign of Gemini (the sign in which the Sun currently resides), and a couple of things that these signs have in common are a strong drive for connection, brashness, and never staying in one place too long. While for Gemini these traits manifest in personal relationships, for Sagittarius, these traits have much more to do with how Sag interfaces with the whole world.
Sagittarius is always on the go, looking to expand its experiences and ultimately its consciousness, and it has no patience for pretense or beating around the bush. Sag has an outspoken nature that can land it in hot water from time to time, but when used skillfully, that outspokenness has the ability to aid in any effort to get rid of all paradigms that rest on better or worse, higher or lower, worthy and unworthy.

There are no pedestals in Sagittarius land, so it’s important to look at where you’ve created perceived hierarchies. I write “perceived” because there aren’t inherent levels of worthiness in Nature — those are made up by the ego-mind. We forget, however, that we too are Nature, and when we play into these hierarchies, we limit ourselves and the possibilities of what we could do and become. We decide that some things are only for the deserving, and therefore if we feel undeserving in any way, we won’t go after that thing. In full-on Sag mode, let me be the first to say, that is total fucking bullshit.
Sagittarius says an emphatic “no” to this. Let yourself live out the idea of a thing before you so definitively decide that you don’t get to take part.

Pride month is actually a great time for a Sagittarius Full Moon because it exemplifies the differences between those who have let their consciousness play and have allowed themselves the growth of living “outside the norm,” and those who are so afraid of what they don’t know that they are caged in by that fear. Most of the people who are queer-phobic have never had a real relationship, any real experience, with a queer person. Because of this, it is so common for phobic people to change their minds — at least a little — once they have allowed themselves that experience.

The big question for this Supermoon in Sag is: how expansive can your consciousness get, and what experiences would aid in that expansion?


Full Moon in Gemini


New Moon in Taurus