New Moon in Taurus

On Saturday there is a New Moon in Taurus as well as a partial solar eclipse (when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun).

Eclipses are known to speed up what is already in motion (think a baby bird fooling around in the nest trying to fly, and then the mama bird just kicks it out — if the inevitable is bound to happen, let it happen now). They also act as a sort of “cosmic checkpoint” during which the themes of the dominant sign of the cycle are brought into clear and undeniable sight so that transformation may occur in those areas of your life.
This specific eclipse cycle started in late October 2019 while the Sun was in Scorpio, and it will end in that same astrological sign in November of 2023. As this eclipse cycle starts and ends in Scorpio, the themes that are up for inspection are sex, death, and deep transformation. These are areas of life that are often thought of as taboo and are therefore cloaked in shame, and that shame pushes us to keep these things hidden.
But there is another component to Scorpio that is also a thread which runs through the three themes above: the power of surrender. To gracefully and fully experience sex, death or transformation, surrender is required otherwise the sex will be an empty performance, death will remain only as something to fight, and transformation will be shallow and incomplete.
Where can evolution occur in these areas of your life? When it comes to these three things, how does fear convince you to try to micro-manage and control? If something is going to happen anyways, why not just leap?

Eclipses aside, this New Moon in Taurus brings up themes of how you relate to the material world; is it something to take joy in as a manifestation, or gift, from the Divine, or is it something to conquer, collect and make a show of?
Taurus also carries with it the theme of stubbornness and the willingness to stay “stuck in the mud”. This may show up as obvious outward behavior or an internal voice of resistance. As the New Moon is a time when the unconscious mind is at center stage, it’s a good idea to try to gently coax out of yourself the reasons behind any lack of action that could result in minor or major change.

Finally, Venus, the planet of love and desire - which is one of the planets that rules Taurus - is currently between Jupiter (luck, abundance, joy) and Neptune (fantasy, romance, divine love), so it is most definitely time to love it up! Up the romance (with a partner or for yourself), up the sex (again, with your partner or with yourself), take a long bath, get a facial, pamper the shit out of yourself, and don’t buy into the guilt of it!
It’s Taurus season people. Lean into the lounge.


Full Supermoon in Sagittarius


Full Moon in Libra