New Moon in Libra

What does fairness mean to you? What does harmony mean to you? What does commitment mean to you? And if one feels like it may disrupt the others, how can you mediate a compromise with a spirit of generosity?

These are just some of the questions that deserve contemplation during Wednesday’s New Moon in Libra trine (in good relationship with) Jupiter in Aquarius.

Any time the sky gets darker (with the absence of the Moon or changing of the seasons), it’s a signal to us that it is time for contemplation. With all these planets currently in the sign of Libra (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury Retrograde), it is a good time to meditate on those parts of your psyche that have not had a light shone on them, specifically in the areas mentioned above (fairness, harmony, commitment). Whether that contemplation involves another person or simply your relationship to these ideas within yourself, it is important that you find the balance of these three things that feels right to you.

Spoiler alert: most likely, this will require a little or a lot of compromise.

My experience personally, and with clients, over the last many years is that when we think of the word “compromise,” we immediately think about it from a place of what we have to “give up.” We’re sort of hard-wired to not let go of how we are, what we think, and what we have because our primal brain tells us that if we give up any of these things, we’ll be left with emptiness in that area or maybe even something worse than what had already been.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

There is a way to look at compromise in terms of what you will gain, and since Jupiter (the planet of generosity) is in a good relationship with this New Moon, effort to act from a generous spirit will come more easily. For example, the questions that we ask ourselves can either be: “What will I lose if I make an effort to compromise in the name of harmony?” OR, “what will I gain if I make an effort to compromise in the name of harmony?” “What will I have to give up to make things more fair?” OR, “What will I receive by creating a more equitable situation?”

It’s not that the losses shouldn’t be factored in to how you decide to proceed, but that can’t be the only voice in the conversation. If it is, whatever resolution you come to will always feel out of alignment and incomplete.

So give a little. Compromise with yourself and others with the attitude of generosity, and wait to see what you get back.

Interested in learning more about how this plays out in your birth chart?


Full Moon in Aries


Full Moon in Pisces