Full Moon in Cancer

Tonight, 12/29, at 7:28pm PST the moon becomes its fullest in the sign of Cancer.

Full moons are often associated with a culmination, realization and/or release - specifically of whatever has been building since the last new moon, which also happened to be a solar eclipse, that asked us to question where in our lives we're deluding ourselves by thinking that everything would be different, or we would be different, if only we were in a different place, time or phase of life. It was an urging to remember that the grass is greenest where you water it, and not off in some fantasy pasture that one day you will find.

As we ponder this question, our energy and awareness turns towards your sense of "home" - the idea of which is ruled by both the Moon and the sign of Cancer. This full moon shines a light whether you consider home to be a physical location, or the feeling you get from specific people, or a combination of both. Cancer is very concerned with safety so make sure to pay attention to, and tend to, those relationships that give you the sense of whatever you most desire home to be: peace, ease, joy, love, fun. Make sure to spend time watering, and showing gratitude for, the spaces you inhabit and for those people (or animals!) that allow you to drop all your walls so you can really rest.

Since the external mirrors the internal, this full moon also asks that we look at how we consider ourselves as home. How can you cultivate the same qualities in yourself that you wish to be felt in the space where you dwell? When you listen to the voices in your head, are they voices that create a nurturing internal environment, or do they bring with them hostility, guilt and regret? The thoughts that perpetuate dis-ease must be shown the door.

Because this full moon also involves Capricorn (the sign opposite from Cancer, and where the Sun currently sits), today, tonight and tomorrow are all good times to take a real honest look at where needing to accomplish something, needing to be "the best," or needing to be regarded as elite in what you consider your work to be is in direct opposition with what you wish to create at home. Oppositions can either produce a split that one must constantly dance between, or they can illuminate how one area of our lives can help support the other.


New Moon in Capricorn


New Moon in Sagittarius